Cash flow model and analyze financial returns and profitability of potential new property asset acquisitions. Use ModelTree’s Market Insights-module to get high-quality opinions about property market rents, occupancy rates, transaction yields and more for the subject area.
Request demoCash flow model and value potential new asset acquisitions and their financial profitability. Decide whether to invest in them and with which terms. Keep track of all your underwriting cases in a single database.
Use our standard asset, company and loan cash flow models or use your own cash flow models. Model the investment structures of the new deals.
Import property and rent roll data to valuation models from Excel files via a built-in Import Wizard tool. Import from any custom Excel sheet to single or multiple assets at once.
Query property market data from the reputable vendors and display results on your ModelTree screens. Get rents, vacancy rates, transaction yields and more, as a constantly updating data stream. Office, Logistics, Residential and more segments available.
Revolutionize your analytical capabilities – complete the form, and we'll arrange a personalized meeting to discuss how we can enhance your real estate investment analysis. Discover why clients across 18 countries trust us for their investment insights.
Country-specific cash flow models
Custom cash flow models
Data via integrations
Reporting functionalities