Value your customers’ real estate assets and portfolios with our country-specific market standard DCF, Direct Capitalization and other valuation models. Or use your own custom valuation models.
Request demoValue your customer’s real estate assets and portfolios with Discounted Cash Flow, Direct Capitalization, Term and Reversion, Comparables, German income approach (EWV) or with your own custom valuation techniques.
ModelTree provides market-standard valuation models to your country out of the box. You can also plug in your own valuation models to run on ModelTree.
Import property and rent roll data to valuation models from Excel files via a built-in Import Wizard tool. Import from any custom Excel sheet to single or multiple assets at once.
Customize your own valuation reports with the built-in Report Builder tool. Bind your reports to ModelTree data which automates the report generation. Reports are exportable to Word, Excel and PDF.
Query property market data from the reputable vendors and display results on your ModelTree screens. Get rents, vacancy rates, transaction yields and more, as a constantly updating data stream. Office, Logistics, Residential and more segments available.
Or, query your own data in ModelTree from your previous valuations, across all your customers, and use results as your internal comparables database.
Improve your valuation service by sending valuations digitally from your ModelTree to your customer that also uses ModelTree. Your customer can make copies of your valuation calculations, play around with them themselves or take out reports.
Revolutionize your analytical capabilities – complete the form, and we'll arrange a personalized meeting to discuss how we can enhance your real estate investment analysis. Discover why clients across 18 countries trust us for their investment insights.
Country-specific cash flow models
Custom cash flow models
Data via integrations
Reporting functionalities